
I am waiting happily with HIM and for HIM :)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

am i waiting in vain?

I was really inspired with the talk this evening that i have thought of creating a blog and write about this one.

But before the talk, it was a coincidence that i am reading my blog and Ate Cle saw it. I just smiled and told her that i am not telling her the link. Thus, this blog will be the one i will be giving out. Officially...ehehe.. I know i failed on the second one i made.

This will actually contain anything...

Hope those who will pass by would have fun reading and will learn something coz i really wanted to share what i learned this night.

Friday, April 15, 2005

13 Rewards on waiting on God

1. waiting reveals patience

2. waiting time is not wasted time

3. waiting guarantees favorable results

4. waiting is learning time

5. waiting will reveal the true motives and intentions of those around you

6. waiting reveals that you trust God but are willing to test men

7. waiting enables you to gather accurate and untainted information

8. waiting brings you truth

9. more waiting brings you more truth

10. enough waiting brings you enough truth

11. waiting provides God time to address your problem miraculously

12. waiting increases strength

13. waiting is a weapon satan dreads for you to discover

these are all self-explanatory and honestly, are all true...

ive been planning to put my opinions and experiences about waiting soon..

"WAIT" for it.. ehehe.. ;)

im going back to my OT for now..
