
I am waiting happily with HIM and for HIM :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006


...bits and pieces...

after a long time, i was finally able to blog again...
thanks to penguin ;)

work has been a little relax despite the changes..Bing, our PL transferred to Manila for a new job opportunity there just weeks after our arrival from our BT. we decided to have Edgar on the group as our PL and things haven't been that hard on us...


Panglao is such a heaven...i was finally able to visit the beach after attending the wedding of our PL/counterpart in Japan..his wife is from Bohol and they held the wedding there...the wedding is on saturday...we arrived there saturday, stayed overnight at Panglao and went back home on a sunday...

we had the massage at the was so wonderful...a dream activity and it was so nice watching the stars, feeling the breeze...i wanted to go back there again ;)


my sister finally graduated from college...she is now in Iloilo reviewing for the board exam on October...


baby joshie is growing big and gwapo and so cutie...he had his first birthday last April 9...there was a mistake in my last post...i thought it was April 15...