
I am waiting happily with HIM and for HIM :)

Friday, June 22, 2007

"gwapo ko!!!"

april 2004 and when intakes started at nsp. good-looking as he is, he obviously grabbed my attention.

ok, i admit, he is my crush. no, i find him good-looking. no, i find him cute. c",) hehehe =p he, i would say, stood out from the rest(hahay, i can imagine him grinning =p). but, as how rumors in the office spread so fast, so as the first impressions on the trainees. he was quoted as "tikalon"! =D

although at that time, i am quite confused if they are refering to my crush or if they are refering to someone else. i still do not know his name that time (yep, i'm not a stalker =p)

i formally met him during our afternoon meetings. i can clearly remember him asking for my name again =p

unexpectedly, i was transfered to another group. there was an upcoming big project, and guess what? yes, we are groupmates. together with his bestfriend =p hihi

it was really a big group, but since we sit on the same line of cube, and since we have almost similar modules, we became close. it all started with project related chats about how vague our project is. from requirements, to the customer, to the so much tasks and all in high priorities :D

we were usually the ones who would go home last! tsk! but, i guess, it's the one who bridged us to get even closer. then the forwarded emails, to non project related chats, even to nonsense chats, to dinner together coz mag ot. he would be the first person i would rant about my workload. he would be the first person i would ask for help on almost everything. and he is the
only person who would message me in the morning with:
"gwapo ko! good morning! unsa oras ka naabot?"
then i would reply to his message, then he is also the only person that i always get irritated with coz, he would just interrupt me and say:
"cge, back to work =p"

later did i know that the nonsense chats, the sundae(the two sundae, payment for doing his task daw =p), the dinner together and going home together during ot will go into something more than friendship and just being groupmates.

the culprit? the "20 questions" email followed by our very own "20 questions" game ;) with this, we were able to talk freely and openly with each other. we later became very good friends, and were also very comfortable with each other

soi, as what i called him before, was the only person that i can talk about just anything. we never really ran out of topics to talk about. even from 10 in the evening up to 5 in the morning ;)

i called him penguin before coz we really love the penguin in madagascar. then later changed it to "soi".

cher, mao ni iya gisulti? =p
it actually means, or is suppose to be: "sori"
it started when we are chatting one time, and instead of typing sori, he typed soi. i teased him about it always after that and we started using the word as a substitute for sori :)

he's really the best friend that anyone can really ask for. not only as a friend but even as just a groupmate or even just as an officemate.

he is really very helpful to others even to the point of sacrificing his self. he says: "i needed help before and there was one, and now i wanted also to help others so they would feel what i felt before"

very heroic right? =p

but honestly, he has a very light personality. being a net ad in our office, which is by the way not part of his job but sort of voluntary stuff, he knows almost everyone in the office or are friends with them. even if he sometimes forget their names =p

the net ad works, doesnt really count to your project. kumbaga, its an extra curricular activities. and sometimes, or most of the times, he would be really busy because he has a deadline to beat in the project and a lot of our officemates are having requests to him to fix their network connections, allowing access to this and that, etc, etc.

he really has an admirable patience ;)

he is always joking, always laughing, always fooling around. and his favorite topic: himself!!
he would always say, "gwapo ko!" or make his solo picture as his wall paper and ask people to check it out. he is very approachable, that even if he has a lot of things to do, he is still the favorite person that our leader would choose to assign do some other tasks :D

not only that he has that personality, but he is really good. very detailed, very rational, and would never decide on something especially if he has not explored every possibilities. that's how he works. and i would feel proud if even there are still other people that knows stuffs he also do in the project, most of our groupmates would still ask for help from him :)

very selfless, very sensitive to others, very reasonable, very loving and very understanding.

i am really glad that i got to know this person, and become his friend before he became my boyfriend :) we were not only lovers but we really are each others friends making us become really open and comfortable with each other.

i don't usually talk this detailed on stuffs like this on the net, but i am so proud of him that i want the world to know how he is as a person(babe, i deserve a bayad =p). and i never really mentioned our pet name before, just now =p joking, this is my birthday gift to him na hikhik =p

it was actually him who told me that he wanted to call me that. remember a movie with that title? yup, baboy! evil him! eheheh he says, it means not baby or anything sweet but it really means baboy! he would tease me that he calls me that coz im starting to become one daw. FAT! and he still continues to make me fat :| but what he did not know is i like it =p coz its the same pet name as jackie and jb of maging sino ka man! joke :D ehehe but no, i really like it coz it really sounds sweet ;)

and on his birthday, i would like to wish him every blessings coz he deserves it all. i wish him good health, and a good career. i know that i am not only the one who is proud of him but his family as well.

happy happy happy birthday babe! i wish you so much love in your heart, so much happiness and always a good health. i wish you more patience for all those persons who asks for help from you and the strength for you to continue helping them. i would sometimes don't understand why you would still do those things even if your seems abused and even if you're on the losing end, but i know you have the heart that will always be willing to help. i also wish you would give yourself a treat or go out with your firends on your birthday coz your so kuripot =p joke! i really wish you'd give yourself a treat or celebrate your birthday coz i know you do not just for the sake that you would save the money for your family ;)

i wish you more jokes to crack, more smiles to share and i wish you a heart that will always be full of laughters. coz you actually do not know how you have touched other peoples lives, how different it is to laugh even on difficult times, and you just don't know how you made them happy :) you might not realize how you made my life happy :)

i really thank God that He put you into my life. wabU gwapo =p